Perkussionisti Kyungho Jeon

Mr.Kyungho Jeon is the World’s First Visually Disabled Marimba Player and Percussionist. For him, disability is not an overcoming matter but the driving force.

His performance has been taking center stage worldwide. He successfully represented performances in Paris, Mumbai, Espoo, Hong Kong, New York, etc. For now, he represented three recital repertories since 2016-“Dreaming Percussion”, “Sound becomes Lights”, and “White Christmas”. “Dreaming Percussion” shows a wild range of musical style-baroque to contemporary and “Sound becomes Lights” is included some Jazz pieces. Latest program-“White Christmas” is (as you can see at the title) filled up with classic carols and winter-imaged classical music.

All of these concerts were supported by Arts Council Korea, and Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture.



Tietoa tapahtumajärjestäjälle

Esityksen kesto: 15-60 min
Ryhmän koko: 2-3 hlö
Kaupunki, josta matkustaa: Etelä-Korea
Tilatoive: Konserttisali
Tekniikan tarve/rider: Kysy lisää
Media: Lataa Jeonin info-paketti
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